Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday Night

Can you see this photo? This was our dinner thanks to Chef H: pumpkin ravioli with home made sage butter sauce. A husband who comes home from work and whips up a meal like this deserves some serious credit. Thanks, papa, for this delicious plate of too many calories!

You know who really appreciated it?
The little one. Boy, is she really grabbing at our food. Evidence follows:

numero uno

numero dos

This is the essence of baby led solids-look for the subtle (hmmm, real subtle, Dalia) hints that your child is ready to partake in the glorious task of eating. While she isn't fully on board just yet, it is nice to know her interest is slowly becoming quite apparent. Did I forget to mention that she tried to grab my fork? And spoon, and well, just about everything these days. It is a happy/sad thing to see your little munchkin showing so much interest in, well, not you. But on the positive side, my "you know whats" (otherwise known as nummies) might soon get a tiny, very much earned (and needed) break.

So, you may not know, but Tuesday is American Idol night in the H Home and that means everything else has to go bye bye, including the computer.

Lets see how sleeping goes tonight...perhaps Dalia secretly wishes to sleep for 8 or maybe 10 hours straight. Updates tomorrow-I promise.

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