With the introduction of solids comes the introduction of our beverage of choice, H2O. Water consumption is essential in helping little ones digest solid foods, but just how do parents introduce water into their baby's diet? Drinking is as much a learned task as eating solids, and starting them together is simultaneously exciting and daunting. We spent a good amount of time researching and thinking about this momentous time in little Dalia's life.
We decided to follow the advice of Ruth Yaron's "Super Baby Food" book. We are doing home made baby food and keeping her diet vegetarian for the time being. A few days ago, we went to the store, cash in hand, to gather the beginning materials needed to really start solids. We opted for a cheap and simple rice cooker/steamer and a blender, the latter of which we already had. Simple and cheap, nothing fancy--just something that does the job. In addition, we purchased two sets of covered ice cube trays (covering, in our opinion, is important), one set of freezable/microwavable cups with lids, and the last thing, some food.
Dalia had already tried avocado (happy face), sweet potato (sad face), pear (she could take it or leave it face), and banana (um, gas issues despite a happy face, so banana is off the list for now). We wanted to get her started on whole grain brown rice, or "super porridge" (this stuff is packed full of nutrition--why not get the baby on board with good nutrition up front?).
We put 1/2 cup of rice in the blender for 2 minutes until it became a fine powder. Then we put that into a just boiling cup of water on the stove and whisked away. We covered it for 10 minutes and, voila, it was done. Once done, feel free to add some spices, for breast-fed babies are already used to interesting tasting food--no need to "dumb" it down for them! We added cinnamon and a bit of nutmeg--it was actually pretty good.
The porridge lasts about two months in the freezer or two to three days in the fridge. Needless to say, Dalia's reaction was a "take-it-or-leave-it face."
Of course, as we mentioned, having some water is important to help Dalia digest her new foods. So, after some quick research, we ended up purchasing a thermos sippy cup (tear), which she loves more as a teether than a cup, but hey, she is getting used to the idea of a cup and that, my friends, is the point!
This is super helpful...and I have a feeling I am going to be glued to the baby food making parts of your blog in about 6 months time!
ReplyDeleteAwww! I really loved making Kalila's baby food... am looking forward to it w/ my youngest too when the time comes. We actually held off a little longer on water w/ her, partly because we started solids early (bad.. bad idea) and partly because when she hit 6 months and was still nursing as often as she was the pedi didn't want us too. Said to wait until the summer when it got hotter. That happened a month later lol.