A recent blog post by my friend (her blog is amazing check it out-amomwriting.blogspot.com) about the recent infant/children's Tylenol recall inspired me to write a little something about our kiddos and medication. So I want to offer up some more natural approaches to dealing with some baby issues. We do not condone the use of standard medicines on babies-we have used them before. But, we are also into the more natural, homeopathic ways of dealing with "baby issues" and we hope you all find some of this helpful!
I am no expert and I don't plan on going back to school to be a doctor (well medical doctor, that is) any time soon, but I truly believe that our society is over-medicated (if you really want to argue with me and debate, send a personal note and I will tell you some of my thoughts).
This has trickled down to our little ones and now we find ourselves administering Tylenol, among other things, for very minor fevers, as well as for the expected aches and pains of the sometimes debatable first-year inoculations ("vaccines"-have you read Dr. Sears' The Vaccine Book?).
What ever happened to waiting until after the selected vaccines are administered to see if the baby really needs the medication?
Watch your baby!
Read your baby's signs!
Listen to your baby!
Also, a snuggle from mommy or daddy can really do wonders for a precious little one. Do not underestimate your child's need for love and affection. The physiological affects of touch, scent, and tone can impact a baby.
So here are some things we use that are more natural remedies (some are based on our pediatrician's recommendations-yes a medical doctor that believes in natural remedies-and others are from our own research, including an aromatherapy workshop at Whole Foods). Please speak with your doctor before trying any of this if you are worried or unsure.
Excess Gas and Gas Pains-brew chamomile tea and cool it to room temperature, administer a couple of teaspoons if less than 15 pounds, give up to four for a larger baby; bath with your baby and nurse in the tub; put baby in a non-soap, warm bath and massage between the belly button and the hips; do bicycle motions with your baby's legs to move trapped gas bubbles downward; take baby's legs together and gently move the knees toward the tummy, apply more pressure and repeat; Colic Calm is another useful thing to try (despite its name being "Colic Calm" is not not only for "colicky babies")
Fever-make sure your baby is getting plenty of fluids, put a cool, wet cloth on your baby's forehead, if the fever is less than 101 degrees (please follow your own doc's advice), let the fever run its course-the body is fighting off infection and eliminating toxins (important for vaccines! don't interrupt this process!); for nursing little ones, make an herbal tea and drink it so the baby can get small amounts through momma's milk, use lemon balm leaf and elder flower as well as peppermint
Sleeping Trouble-HA, US GIVE SLEEP ADVICE?
aromatherapy; administer a lavender oil bath and do infant massage, place a few drops of lavender or bergamot oil on a cotton ball and place in baby's room (not within reach! the scent will permeate the room so use just a few drops); more naps during the day, co-sleep if you are nursing so the baby can eat when he or she pleases and drift off to sleep
Postpartum-Earth Mama Angel Baby Happy Momma Spray; aromatherapy using eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, and lemon essential oils; crying always helps release stress and anxiety; making love; new parent groups (try meetup.com); hot baths or showers
Teething-wet a wash cloth and freeze a corner and give it to baby; make mommy ice for baby (another tip from "amomwriting"); frozen bananas!; Hyland's Homeopathic Teething Tablets and Teething Gel; Sophie le Giraffe and other teething toys; snuggle with baby; rub baby's gums with firm pressure; spend lots of time interacting with baby
If you have questions about other issues let me know! We value the use of standard medications and know that there is a time and place for them. We also feel there is a time and place for the more natural remedies.
Bottom line=do what is best and most comfortable for you and your family
Thank you for the shout out! I love this post. Many helpful hints to try. Mommy's milk slushies are definitely a hit for teething pain.