Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Glorious Sleep

Without doubt, one of the milestones parents love to brag about is when their kid started sleeping through the night. And you know what? Sometimes this is utterly and completely annoying, especially to those of us who have not had a full night's rest in over five, yes FIVE months (though the past three nights have been relatively good-only two wake ups).

Please, don't do this. Especially to me. I am fragile when I don't get enough sleep.

In fact, I recently had a conversation with a lady at Starbucks (we started talking because of Sophie, imagine that) that basically went like this:

Lady: Oh, look how big your beautiful baby is. Don't you love Sophie? Any teeth yet?
Me: Yes, she is getting big. Sophie is great! Dalia loves her! No teeth, though we think soon!
Lady: Remember when they were little? Ugh, I can't imagine not getting a full night of sleep now, you know what I mean? Thank GOD they are older and sleeping through the night.
Me: Hmmm. Lucky you, we still don't get much sleep.
Lady: I would seriously kill myself if that was happening to me.

Don't you just want to have a mommy meltdown in public sometimes? Seriously who says stuff like this? Needless to say this event was followed by a phone conversation with my mom...and my sister...and my husband...and a few mommy friends. Oh, and about 6 cookies.

Being a new mom is tough enough without random people pitying your life. She probably was just making conversation, but it sort of ruined my week.

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